Let's make #PortHour a thing
FROM next Monday, we're going to try something on social media aimed at giving everyone in Newport the chance to tell their good news stories for free.
Here's how #PortHour works: every Monday from 8pm to 9pm you can promote your business, or charity, or gig, or fundraising event, or special offers, or sports match, or ... pretty much anything via a special hashtag on Twitter.
Lots of towns, cites and regions around the UK stage a social media 'hour' and many are hugely successful with tens of thousands of people using the hashtag or following the Twitter account.
But Newport doesn't have one.
It was tried a few years ago but, for whatever reason, doesn't appear to have been successful.
So I've set up and will manage the @PortHour account on Twitter and all you have to do to take part in #PortHour is to follow the account and use the hashtag.
It's as simple as that.
There's no catch and I'm not making any money out of it (though I won't deny it helps to raise the profile of my business).
In my view, anything that helps the many people in Newport doing fantastic things get their stories out to a wider audience is worth a go.
I'll be promoting the first #PortHour ahead of next Monday's launch on social media and my website and I hope you'll do the same.
Remember - #PortHour takes place on Twitter every Monday from next Monday from 8pm to 9pm.
See you there.